Monday, May 28, 2007

Making Prayer a Priority

Dear gals,
How is your prayer life like?
Are we neglecting this gift from God to be able to pray and talk to God above through prayer?

I thought that the tips below are simple and useful for us to strengthen our prayer life.

May 28, 2007
Making Prayer a Priority
By Marybeth Whalen

The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.” Psalm 6:9 (NIV)

As Christians, it is one thing to know we need to pray, but it is another thing entirely to make prayer a priority in the course of our busy day. So today we’ll look at some practical ways to strengthen our prayer life no matter how busy we are. These are just tips and tricks I have picked up along the way through my own experience or from people I respect. I hope you will take a few of them and immediately apply them to your life. When our prayer life is strong, our walk with God and our time with Him is magnified a hundredfold.

1. Commit to spending the first moments of your day in prayer before you even get out of the bed. Get in the habit of devoting just a few minutes before you put your feet on the floor just claiming the day for Him and offering up all you will do for His glory and the good of His kingdom. Starting the day this way will help your perspective with whatever you have facing you, be it whiny kids or a demanding boss. Doing this daily will eventually become a habit.

2. When you feel yourself start to worry, use those thoughts as an immediate trigger to begin silently praying, no matter where you are or what you are doing.

3. Make your mealtimes a time for significant prayer. Whether this is something your whole family does, or just something you observe on your own, praying before you eat can become more than a quick, “Thank You for this food.”

4. Instead of spending your prayer time begging God for a list of needs, designate a time each day to do nothing but reflect on God’s goodness towards you and your family. Meditating on God’s blessings is a great way to strengthen your faith. As you reflect on what He has done, you will have confidence in what He will do.

5. Post index cards or post-it notes around your house to remind you of things to pray for. This can include prayer requests and praises. Every time you see the notes (including on our blog's Prayer Box), pray immediately.

6. Before you dive right into your prayers, spend some time being silent before God. Ask Him to speak to you in the silence. If you can, journal what He is telling you, whether it’s a word or phrase He brings to mind, a passage of Scripture He directs you to, or a word-picture He gives you, get it down on paper so you can reflect on it further later.

7. Keep a prayer journal of requests, and periodically go back and fill in answers to those requests. (Remember the faithfulness of God in answering your prayers!)

8. Change your prayer position ever now and then. If you usually sit in one spot, move to another one. Kneel, walk, or fall down on the floor with your face to the ground. Try lighting candles or playing soft praise music to set the tone for prayer.

9. If you find yourself lying awake at night, use that time to pray. Talk to God instead of counting sheep!

10. My friend Lorrie Flem shared this idea: Pray for certain people when you do certain daily tasks. Lorrie prays for her brother every time she brushes her teeth. This habit can invigorate the most mundane of tasks and make them purposeful. You might find you look forward to vacuuming when you know you will be spending time praying for your spouse while you do it!

11. Finally, remember that prayer is nothing more than a conversation with your Best Friend. He knows you intimately and loves you anyway. He wants to hear from you and doesn’t need a lot of pomp and circumstance to do so. If all else fails, keep it simple and just talk to Him all day long!

Dear Lord, I want my prayer life to be stronger. I want to spend more time talking to You and drawing closer to You. I pray that You would help me to be mindful of what I can do to make prayer a priority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Application Step:
Write down three things you will do this week to make prayer a priority. Consider asking someone to hold you accountable to doing this.

Power Verses:
I Thessalonians 5:17, “Pray continually.” (NIV)

Romans 8:26 , “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words can not express.” (NIV)

Ephesians 6:18 , “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” (NIV)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Mirabel's Birthday + Novie's Farewell

(Click on the image to see full size; then Right Click and 'Save Picture as' to save the image)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The Lord spoke to me about FAMILIARITY during the Encounter.

I have been to Encounter probably 4 or 5 times - once as a participant and baby Christian, I think 3 times as a guide, and the experience this January to teach a session to the girls. Thus the content has become quite familiar to me.

BUT last Saturday I realised I was struggling with familiar feelings.
"Okay, during 'God's Redemption Plan' I know I will be very moved by God as I hear the girls scream to Him to cut off every curse from their lives and families". And I was.
"Later when I watch the movie on the Cruxificion of Jesus, I know I will feel broken". And I did...

I am not saying that we cannot feel familiar feelings in a familiar setting. In my case I think my mind was so preoccupied in thinking "I already know how I would feel", that I INTERFERED in what the Holy Spirit wanted to do currently, at each exact moment.

Let's not forget that the Holy Spirit is God in the NOW. "... No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God" (1 Corinthians 2:11b). What is God thinking for me now? What does God want me to pray for the person in front of me? What does God want to minister to me personally now? Who do I pray for? I should be asking the Holy Spirit at all times, and NOT rely on familiar feelings, thoughts or even familiar prayers.

I asked God to help me, lead me. And I thank Him that on Sunday I found myself asking the Holy Spirit many times "Holy Spirit, what do You want me to pray? Are you done already, or there is more that You want to do? If so, please continue". And until I am sure that His work is complete for that moment, then I would stop praying or open my eyes.

The Holy Spirit always works in new or deeper ways, each time we allow Him to have His way! Rely on Him totally!

* * *

Biblical Incidents of familiarity the Holy Spirit spoke to me about:

+ Indulging in Past Familiar Hurts, Pain, Fear and Temptation- Unable to Move Ahead

(Numbers 13:26-14:4)
God already promised the Israelites that the new Promised Land He was bringing them to was a land flowing with milk and honey. And it truly was! The spies saw!

But the moment the Israelites heard the report that the enemies staying there were huge and powerful, they feared and then forgot God's promises, including to drive out the enemies for them, and GRUMBLED against God, "If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to let us fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to Egypt?" And they said to each other, "We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt" (Numbers 14:2b-4).

Go back?! They did not even seek God or to fight, and wanted to go back to their 'comfort zone' which ironically was where they were under oppression. They would rather return to be under familiar oppression in a familiar environment, enduring familiar feelings of fear (which were still in their spirit, that is why they feared easily at the first report of the enemies), than trust God for that new Promised Land flowing with milk and honey just before their eyes!

Today if you know God has already set you free from certain issues in your past, do not entertain familiar emotions of hurt, pain or anger, or temptation when similar situations occur or when you are reminded of them. I am not saying that these feelings are not valid, but we should not allow them to revisit us in a way to bring our spirit down. Being set free means you can always be victorious in that area!

Look ahead and far! The victory is before you!

+ Do not be so preoccupied with the familiar or old ways or the law, that we ignore the Counselor

(Matthew 12:1-13) The Pharisees accused Jesus of healing on Sabbath.

Romans 7:5-6
For when we were controlled by the sinful nature, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

Serve in the Spirit. Move in the Spirit. Be ministered in the Spirit. Minister in the Spirit.

When we pray for two persons both having flu, the deeper issues revealed by the Holy Spirit in each of them can be totally different.

Let's not interfere in what the Spirit wants to do in us and through us. Allow Him full reign!

Let's not be so familiar afterall!

Focusing on familiarity means relying on our minds, memory and own strength. Repent today if you have done so and thus interfered in the Holy Spirit's work. Ask Him to be your Leader, Teacher and Counselor in every step. Focus on God.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

So that you would come.

Yay! I'm back to post.

Exams has just ended and i'm getting my results very soon. Today, as my friends compared with the answers that my teachers gave, as he continue shouting over which he has got correct, i can't help feeling a sense of inferiority as i know i have not done well for maths.

I was brought back to Jackie Pullinger's sermon on how we are judged based on performance at such a early age. God's love for us will not change and varies for different grades that you've achieved. In the song 'So you would come', it also states that nothing you can do, could make him close the door.

Also, i was also reminded to surrender everything into His hands and trust Him for my results.

God loves me the way i am! I did my best, God the rest i surrender unto you! (=

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thank you, Beautiful Ladies!


A flower moment for Amanda too, who is also a spiritual mother, of Chee Foon and Small Eunice! =)


And also to our dear Apple, who is a real mother, of her 3-year old Gareth! (Forgot to take picture with her on Sunday, hee)

You are all the joy of my life!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Dina's takeaway from Jackie Pullinger's sermon

"I learnt that although we are too small to do anything, the least we can
do is to pray and hope for a better change. It is better than doing nothing.
Every act of kindness is significant and important. It may change a person's
:) "

Guess who??

Friday, May 11, 2007

Come let your hair down at Sports Carnival!

So... you think you can dance? Manoeuvre a soccer ball?

Now is the time to flex your muscles and flaunt your SOCCER skills and..... DANCE vibes!

Come! Even for pure fun.

YCYPAO Sports Carnival
26 May 2007
9am - 1pm
(Registration starts at 8.30am)
Leng Kee CC
(Click on Poster above for details)

Use the Registration Form on the right to register now!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Do not harden your heart

i felt it quite evidently in me lately, that my heart had grown harder towards a few persons outside church.

Not so much of being unfeeling, but i just did not feel Christ's compassion for these precious souls so intensely anymore. Sometimes it is just so easy to differentiate. We will know it, it's just whether we want to admit it, or continue to avoid God's call.

I knew the reasons - disappointment about them always seemingly taking from me and not giving, rejecting my invitation to church repeatedly. Probably i even let their past misdeeds become a barrier to me (thinking 'You should repent you should repent' instead of extending Jesus' hand of compassion and love to them to strengthen them to return to repent).

In the midst of these, i had been feeling guilty. I kept on crying to the Lord 'Why do i hesitate to give to them now?'. Yes, though i still attended to their needs and gave to them each time they came to me, i told God i did not want to be un-cheerful giver. I still want to give to them fully.

And most importantly, i am in no position to judge anyone.

Thank God for showing me verses 7b-11 in Psalm 95 last night:

If only you would listen to His voice today! 8 The Lord says, “Don’t harden your hearts as Israel did at Meribah, as they did at Massah in the wilderness. 9 For there your ancestors tested and tried My patience, even though they saw everything I did. 10 For forty years I was angry with them, and I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts turn away from Me. They refuse to do what I tell them.’ 11 So in My anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter My place of rest.’”

Fear of the Lord tells me, even if my heart has been hardened just 1%, i must repent and ask Jesus to soften my heart immediately again!

And that was what i did, and exactly what He did.

i couldn't understand, but i found myself wanting to sob deeply whenever these persons and some others came to my mind. Then i would be sobbing and praying for them with a compassion and love that i knew came from Jesus and not me, feeling the pain of the Heavenly Father as well, who longs so deeply for them to be back to Him and near Him.

If you hear His voice today, do not harden your heart!

If not, you may block Jesus' light like this:

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Look Far - An Army of Love

As we journey together in the Abrahamic Covenant, rising up as Warriors of Light to fill Singapore with 100k blessings, it's crucial to catch the Compassionate Heart of God.

This seminar with Jacky Pullinger is an important "training" for all of us in FCBC. Don't miss the chance to hear from the lady known for delivering drug addicts from withdrawal symptoms through the power of the Spirit. Sign up with your G12 leader today!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mirabel's up and mighty again!

Today, after one entire week of MC and of feeling groggy from medication,

I am up, bouncing strong and on fire again!

Yes i feel it so in my Spirit; i am already thinking of the people i want to invite for service this Sunday (heehee) and this morning i had an amazing time of worship with Jesus, declaring His victory over my family, ministry, etc.

i was especially moved to tears at one moment during worship, when i realised how close Jesus has really been for the past week. Once again i bow at how deeply HE really knows my heart - i wanted to structure my time of MC to spend quality time with Jesus, but the non-high-D and groggy me just could not and did not.

Nonetheless, Jesus initiated (as He always does). Arising out of this period of rest, i am so sure that i have fallen even more deeply in love with Jesus... through the random book-, bible-reading, praying etc.

But hey, nothing is random in God's sense. He is a God of order (Romans 13:5, The Message Bible). =)

I'm singing.... for the glory of the Risen King!!!

i cannot wait to share with you gals what Jesus has done for me, especially after being absent from church for a week.

My heart was so warmed and so proud of you, to hear of you all coming together yourselves for a really good time of cell and processing before and after service ( i have my spies ok, haha). Amanda, i heard that you did a very good job for Going Deep in Colossians 3! Well done!

We are growing strong together, in the Lord! =) Praise Him!