Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sermon 29jul: The Servant Girl - Winning when your Efforts seem Insignificant

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29 July 2007
Running with the Winners
The Servant Girl - Winning When Your Efforts Seem Insignificant

Key Verses: 2 Kings 5:1-3 (click)

+ One small act can make a Big Difference!

+ The result of the insignificant servant girl's one statement -> 2 Kings 5:15 'Let me (the great Commander of the army) be your (Elisha, a prophet) servant'

+ She brought about change in the life of Naaman. If she never dared to suggest him going to Elisha, he would just be crippled by leprosy forever.

1. She acted even though she was small
- Be Confident

+ The only thing recorded in the Bible of this servant girl was her one sentence in v.3.
+ She had no name.
+ She came from a shamed Northern Kingdom, Israel to become a slave, while Naaman was a top man in Syria.

+ Any fool can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the apples in a seed. - Bob Schuller

+ God just needs a seed which is willing to die, and that seed will sprout forth life in many others.

2. She acted even though what she could do was small
- Be Credible

+ All she could do was to connect Naaman to the God she knows, the God who hears.

+ All of us cannot save souls or redeem lives. All we can do, when we are willing, is to be conduits to link the lost to Jesus. Small deeds, but the effects are big.

3. She acted even though the risk was high
- Be Committed to Meet Needs

+ The stakes were high. Naaman was the General Commander of the strongest army at that time. If Naaman was not healed in the end, she would surely lose her life. The king of Israel (whom Naaman approached to look for Elisha) even 'tore his robes' (2 Kings 5:7), knowing how high the risks were.

+ Zechariah 4:6,10a "Who despises the day of small things?"

God specialises in using the small things
> Who would look upon a small baby born in a manger in a stable in a little town? Yet this baby grew to have His purpose fulfiled as the Savior of the World. Jesus.

Do not look down on every little effort that you are putting into the lives of others through the 100K Blessings. It can possibly lead someone to the road to life.

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