Thursday, February 28, 2008

Studying Psalm 58

1 Observation

What would be the usual responses when you are treated unfairly?
• Angry, unforgiveness, revengeful

Do you see a concern for justice in verse 1 and 2? Justify your answer.
• Yes
• The psalmist confronts the rulers with their lack of sensitivity to justice. The heart of the wicked judges devised injustice and their hands mete out violence.

How did the psalmist respond to injustice?
• Exposed the wicked (v3-5)
• Submit the concerns to the Lord (v6-9)

Pause and reflect, will we respond like that of the psalmist?
• We may not as we may want to handle injustice in our own ‘fairest’ way, the way we think the wicked deserves.
• We may not as we may have seen it as a total defeat right from the start, intimidated by the wicked who are like venom of a snake.

What does Psalm 58 tell you about God?
• God is a God of justice and He will judge the earth and reward the righteous (v11)

2 Interpretation

Key idea: Surely the righteous still are rewarded

V1-2 – concern for justice
V3-5 – the lies of the wicked
V6-8 – prayer for justice
V9 – expectation of justice
V10 – the joy of the righteous
V11 – affirmation of justice

What do you think is the key verse?
• Verse 11

The Psalm could have been written when David took over the throne of Israel. He faced realization of corruption in the administration of justice and the arrogance of those judges in the judicial system established by Saul.

When facing or experiencing injustice, what should our response be?
• Know that God is a God of justice. He judges the earth. (v11)
• Expect that justice will take place (v9)
• Live to receive the reward He has for the righteous (God’s people) (v11)
3 Application

Is someone treating you unfairly or accusing you of something you did not do? And try as you might, you cannot get them to see that you don’t deserve what they are dishing out? Don’t take revenge upon your antagonizers. Pray for them and await the reward from the God of justice who judges all the earth.

Source (Angela Tan's notes)
• Psalms Classic Library Edition by Marilyn Hickey
• The Expositor’s Bible Commentary Volume 5
Frank E. Gaebelein – General Editor
Zondervan Publishing House

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