Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Studying Psalm 62


What are some of the key ideas or words that have been repeated throughout the Psalm?
v1 salvation
v2 rock & …salvation, fortress
v3 rock & …rock & …salvation, fortress
v7 salvation, mighty rock


This was written by David possibly during the days of Absalom’s rebellion (2 Samuel 15-18)

We can place our hope in God’s ultimate salvation

Key verse : v5-6
‘Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.’


Q: When we face with unjust situations in our lives, who do we choose to look to? Man or God?
A: God

Q: Why?
A: The security of trusting God prevails over the insecurity of relying on human devices

Subject : What should we do when we face opposition?
Complement :
Rest in God when enemies assault (v2-4)
Trust in God at all times (v5-8)
God will reward each person(v9 & v12)

Application :
Is there an unjust situation in your life now? If there is, bring it before the Lord and find rest in the powerful God

Source (Timothy's notes)
Life Application Bible
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Old Testament; Cook)

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