(Click to zoom in)
1. Please do spend some time looking through (in the chart) the scriptures of Truth and power which the Armor is based on.
2. Pray through each piece. A guided outline can be:
The belt of truth: Thank You Jesus that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You are the only true and living God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Sovereign King of the universe, my Father who loves me, and my Shepherd who leads me. You are my wisdom, my counselor, my hope, and my strength. You are all that i need.
The breastplate of righteousness: Lord, indeed who am i that You care and died for me. I, a sinful person, do not deserve Your mercy or even to be in Your presence, but You have shown me deep Grace by taking my sins to the cross and declaring me righteous. Lord, show me any sin that I need to confess right now, so that nothing will hinder me from being filled to overflowing with Your Spirit. [Take time for confession] Thank You for forgiving me and for filling me with Your righteous life.
The sandals of peace: Thank You for the peace You give me when I trust and follow You. I will not be troubled; i will not be fearful (John 14:27). Show me how to help others find that peace.
The shield of faith: Without faith, it is impossible to please You (Hebrews 11:6). Thank You for helping me have faith in You. We will not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but be strengthened in Your faith and give glory to You, being fully persuaded that You have power to do what You have promised (Romans 4:20-21).
The helmet of salvation: Thank You for promising me salvation both for today's battles and for all eternity. LORD, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure (Psalm 16:5).
The sword of the spirit, the Word of God: Thank You for the scriptures you have deposited in my heart. Please show me which one(s) You want me to use to cut through deceptions and gain Your victory in any battle I may face today.
3. Answer the question i posted in the previous post: Which of this areas do you think you have not regularly and confidently sharpened? Work on it/them!
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